Tuesday, 24 November 2009

1. Copper

Dedicated to Gunner Mick Michaels. Happy Christmas, Gunner. x

Make you a copper bathtub
plumb it with copper pipe
fill it with dancing water
and never more you'll gripe

you'll just lay there, dream of sailing
the Asperida, down to Minorca
feel your body swaying
with the waves, just like you oughta

build you a boat with copper
copper, nickel and steel
deck it with teak and plywood
so your dreams can be real

and we'll lay there, and dream of sailing
the Asperida, down to Minorca
feel our bodies swaying
with the waves, just like we oughta

i got some rusty nails
from an old boat that still has charm
they call her the Asperida
but it's your name i scratch in my arm

and i'll lay here, and dream of sailing
the Asperida, down to Minorca
feel our bodies swaying
with the waves, just like we oughta

The Asperida, built in 1967, is the first and oldest copper-nickel boat in existence and remains in fine shape.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kitty!
    I just read your sailing poem and am curious how you know about the Asperida. We are the current owners, and I'm wondering if you are personally acquainted with the boat.
