You cannot know fire from words alone.
Enter the fire if you want to know the truth.
- Rumi, 13th century muslim poet and mystic
The third chakra located at the solar plexus. The three chakras below the heart are concerned with our physical body and the senses; the three above the heart are concerned with the spirit. Digestive problems, diabetes and cancer are associated with Manipura, but above all it's associated with stress because it's located over one of the main regions of the body that reacts to stress. Since I've started finding ways to deal with stress I no longer feel my backache or experience excessive sweating any more.
In Manipura we also experience the emotions of others by becoming a mirror to them. It's vital to keep the mirror bright, as you don't want to act like a sponge for anyone's anger or negativity. Here we also learn to assimilate wisdom in our unconscious mind which enables us to heal our physical body and develop a good relationship with the wider world. It's sometimes called the body-mind connection.
Those with an undeveloped Manipura will dominate with their ego; they will not be happy with their situation in life, will shut down their inner fire and the whole chakra system could be compromised. They will feel extremely edgy and depleted in energy, become depressed, insecure and fearful. When you work on balancing your solar plexus chakra, depression turns into joy, insecurity turns into love and fearfulness turns into confidence.
rang (pronounced rung for several minutes)
kundalini arohanam
kundalini arohanam
kundalini arohanam
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