The second chakra, located on the upper part of the sacrum below the navel. Closely linked to the adrenal glands, this is where stress, anger and fear can gather and eventually cause illness. When this happens, we should take it as a warning to change patterns of behaviour to avoid or deal with stress and fear. I found that a way to transform fear was by sending everyone unconditional love and this is quite common with people who feel threatened. When I did this my lower back pain disappeared. This is also the pleasure chakra that is deeply concerned with our relationship to others and the place of imprinting of feelings experienced in childhood.
Stress to this chakra causes us to put up defences to avoid our true feelings, especially concerning someone of the opposite sex. It may cause promiscuity, seeking satisfaction and a deep longing to unite with the other half of our soul. Alternatively, we may provide a 'phantom lover' for ourselves or for our sexual fantasies.
When the radiance of Svadisthana begins to flow more freely, the ability to feel both pain and pleasure increases - sometimes in bitter-sweet love affairs. This can make it a real test of courage to move beyond our defences, regain our true self and experience loving intimacy. It is necessary to let go of past fears, disillusionments and disappointed romantic expectations - all unneeded energy imprints held in this chakra.
If we are unaware of our sacral chakra energies, we unwittingly fuel feelings of rigid control, overprotectiveness, jealousy, anger and the inability to receive love. Svadisthana is associated with addictions of all kinds, and with a desperate need for approval.
Conversely, when we are fully aware of the positive energies of Svadisthana, we create the right conditions to unite with another person. This can take us into a flowering of the soul on a path of enlightenment. Such a state requires a beautiful, tender type of love that we give and receive unconditionally.
vam (pronounced vwam) repeated for several minutes
kundalini arohanam
kundalini arohanam
kundalini arohanam
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